When you visit our practice, you see the same friendly faces who have been in our office for decades, as well as new friendly faces we've added to our team along the way.  Our practice history is one rich in community, family, and friendship.  

It all started back in the 1970's, when a young man named Mike Shore was in dental school out in Dallas, Texas.  As Mike and his classmates co-mingled with the dental hygiene students at school events, Mike couldn't help but notice a young lady named Paula who was in charge of planning all the parties.  Mike and Paula hit it off,  and in 1980 they returned to Paula's home state of Colorado as newlyweds.  Soon thereafter, Mike hung his shingle in the little town of Louisville, and the practice of Michael E. Shore, DDS was born. 

Over the next 40 years, the Shores would care for their local community as though all their patients were family.  From long-term staff members such as Trisha and Delaine to equally long-term patient families who have continued to bring new generations to their care, Mike and Paula built a legacy in Boulder County that everyone agrees is unmatched.  The Shores are proof that good people really do attract other good people, and to this day our practice is full of the best patients on the Front Range.    

In 2021, Mike and Paula were ready to retire to spend time with their eight beautiful grandchildren.  They searched and searched for the right person to take up where they would leave off, and to care for their wonderful patients in the same manner they had all those years.  Fate answered, and as Dr. Shore tells it, he knew on the very first phonecall with Dr. Michelle Messina that he had found the perfect fit.  

Dr. Messina and Dr. Shore share a common South Texas upbringing, a common set of core values, and even completed postgraduate training at the same institution in Miami. They both believe in maintaining a patient-centered approach to care, and they both say the best part of dentistry is getting to visit with all their friends who just also happen to be their patients.  

Dr. Messina bought Dr. Shore's practice when he officially retired in 2021, and today she feels blessed to count Mike and Paula as both mentors and friends. Michelle likes to run things much the way Mike and Paula did all those years, and Mike likes to joke that when he retired from practice, the only things that changed were less gray hair and less testosterone in the place!  The Shores stop in regularly to see old friends, so make sure to say hi if you see them around the practice when you visit!